
Let us create new research fields by “fusion of disciplines”
Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University, was established in April 2018, and the policy is to create and develop new scientific field by “fusion of disciplines”. There are two Divisions according to the spread of the fusion of disciplines; Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences (established in April 2018) and Division of Nano Life Science (established in April 2020).
The Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences aims to create new scientific fields by various types of fusion of disciplines such as the fusion of humanities and science & engineering, the fusion of humanities and medicine, and the fusion of engineering and health science. The research filed of the faculty members are widespread, including archeology, economics, cognitive science, medicine, pharmaceutical science, health sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, and electronics.
The Division of Nano Life Science focuses on fusion of nanoscale measurement, nanomaterials, and life sciences, and is especially focusing on application of nano-scale measurement technology using a scanning microscope to supramolecular creation, cell imaging, and cancer diagnosis and treatment. The educational program is deeply supported by the Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University, which is one of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).
We would like all students to interact daily with academic staffs and students with different research fields to get new “awareness” and try to combine the new "awareness" with your own field of expertise. We are waiting for you with characteristic curriculum such as studying basics of different fields and research experience in a laboratory different from your research field.
Let us step into the world of “fusion of disciplines” together.
Dean of Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative