金沢大学 GRAfiNiti

在学生へTo Students

研究科共通 Common to all the divisions

履修案内 Guidebook





■2020年度#Japanese only

インターンシップ Internship

その他 Others




一時出国及び再入国届 Form_Notification of Temporary Leave and Re-entry to Japan

博士前期課程 Master’s Program

時間割・履修登録 Timetable, Course Registration

JAIST送迎車 Shuttle between KU and JAIST




If you want to use this service, please submit the following “Application form”.
●DeadlineBy midday on the 25th of the month before the preferred date of use.
*As a general rule, please submit Application form for one month at one time.
* Applications for irregular use (Lab rotations, Interviews, etc.) will be accepted by midday two days prior to the preferred date of use (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
*If you want to cancel, please contact us as soon as possible you know.

博士論文研究基礎力審査 Qualifying Examination

If you want to take this test, please submit the following “Application forms”.

                                                         (Click here to the download)

■提出先 / Submit:s-yugo@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

■締切 / Deadline:令和6年6月24日(月)/ Monday, June 24, 2024

■申請手続き日程 / Schedule of Qualifying Examination (QE):ダウンロードはこちら

                            (Click here to the download

学位審査 Degree Screening

博士後期課程 Doctoral Program

履修登録 Course Registration

JAIST送迎車 Shuttle between KU and JAIST




If you want to use this service, please submit the following “Application form”.
●DeadlineBy midday on the 25th of the month before the preferred date of use.
*As a general rule, please submit Application form for one month at one time.
* Applications for irregular use (Lab rotations, Interviews, etc.) will be accepted by midday two days prior to the preferred date of use (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
*If you want to cancel, please contact us as soon as possible you know.

学位論⽂審査 Dissertation Screening

博士前期課程 Master’s Program

時間割・履修登録 Timetable, Course Registration

博士論文研究基礎力審査 Qualifying Examination

If you want to take this test, please submit the following “Application forms”.

                (Click here to the download)

■提出先 / Submit:s-yugo@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

■締切 / Deadline:令和6年6月24日(月)/ Monday, June 24, 2024

■申請手続き日程 / Schedule of Qualifying Examination (QE):ダウンロードはこちら

                            (Click here to the download

学位論⽂審査 Thesis Screening


Schedule of Master’s Thesis Review (For Graduate in September, 2024) Click Click here to the download