金沢大学 GRAfiNiti

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令和6年度10月期・令和7年度4月期 学生募集(第一回)の出願期間が始まります

新学術創成研究科 博士前期課程・博士後期課程の出願期間が下記の日程で始まります。

・博士前期課程 :6/24(月)– 6/28(金)

・博士後期課程 :6/19(水)– 6/25(火)

The application period for the Master’s/Doctorate courses of the Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative will begin on the following dates.

Master’s course            : 6/24 (Mon.) – 6/28 (Fri.)

Doctorate course            : 6/19 (Wed.) – 6/25 (Tues.)



– What is the Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative? –

The Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative consists of two Major, Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences and Division of Nano Life Science.



#Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

This division is a joint graduate school with the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). It aims to develop human resources through a curriculum that combines courses in fields in which the two universities have respective strengths with the basic skills needed to advance fusion science. It is also attractive to study in JAIST’s classes and labs.


世界トップレベルの研究拠点(WPI)である「ナノ生命科学研究所」(Nano LSI)との密接な連携による教育プログラムを展開しています。世界最先端のSPM(走査型プローブ顕微鏡)技術を用いて、ナノレベルでの生命現象の解明を目指した研究ができます!“

#Division of Nano Life Science

The Division of Nano Life Science offers an educational program in close collaboration with the Nano Life Science Institute (Nano LSI), a world-class research center (WPI). Using the world’s most advanced SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) technology, students can conduct research aimed at elucidating life phenomena at the nano-level! ”

<お問い合わせ> 融合系事務部学生課大学院係 



Graduate School Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division, Transdisciplinary Sciences Administration Department
